How to Deal With a Gain While on Weight Watchers

4:08 PM Elvira 0 Comments

Here I am 9 weeks into my weight loss journey and it happened...I had a gain today at my Weight Watchers meeting. When I stepped onto the scale I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be a good week, but when they told me I had gained 2 pounds my tummy did a little flip flop and I felt disappointed. During the meeting I sat and reflected on all the things that were off for me during the week. One, I re-injured my knee on a Tuesday. Which meant I have been swollen and pretty limited to what I can do. For the most part I have been simply icing and resting with the hope I would have a speedy recovery. But here it is Sunday and I am still having a hard time getting around. This has been hard for me.

Without my activity I noticed that I also started to eat some junk food. Even though I am following a vegan/plant based diet, there are still things you can eat that are both vegan and unhealthy. I overdid it with some tortilla chips one night, and started to cook with more salt than I normally do. After I left the meeting though I decided to turn all of my negative thoughts into positive ones. First off, overall I am eating far more healthier food that I ever have in the past. Secondly, I have been more active as of late, and this injury is only a minor set back. I focused on the progress that I have made, and stopped thinking about the gain.

I am committed to this journey, and will do whatever what I need to in order to be successful. We all have setbacks, the true test is how you recover from them. I am not going to throw in the towel, instead I will stay determined and look for the bright future ahead of me.

Tags: Wellness