Organic Produce, Do I or Don't I?

8:22 PM Elvira 0 Comments

Buying organic is ideal. But if you are like me, you probably follow a monthly budget which only allows you a certain amount of money to spend on groceries. I really do love buying organic and there are ways to incorporate a fair amount of organic foods into your diets while still staying within your monthly budget.

Buying organic allows you to eat nutrient dense food while receiving the most optimal benefits.  Many of you have probably heard of the, "Dirty Dozen." This is a list of produce with the highest amounts of pesticide loads. This year the list comprised of: apples, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, grapes, celery, spinach, sweet bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, imported sweet peas and potatoes.

With this list in mind I now pay more attention to buying these fruits and vegetables organic. I have generally noticed that as long as I pay attention to weekly ads, and shop where I will get the most bang for my buck I have been able to afford a great deal of organic produce for our home.

Whether you buy organic or not you can still do your part to help eliminate pesticide residue on your produce. You can do this by simply giving your produce a good scrub and wash. I do this with all produce including fruits and vegetables with an inedible skin.

Bottom line-go organic as much as you can. The quality and freshness of the organic fruits and vegetables is so apparent, and worth the extra money. Stay healthy, and be well!

Tag: Wellness