Taking Care of You
With a new work week upon us I would like to take a few minutes to focus on a topic I think many of us forget to practice due to our insanely hectic lifestyles. Self care is a time to focus on you and your needs as an individual. I have always found that when my mind, body, and spirit are aligned all is well with the world.It has taken me years to realize the importance of self care and now it is something I value with my whole being. I have spent the majority of my career in social services. Though I wouldn't trade it for the world, there has been a great deal of obstacles I have had to overcome in order to be a healthy provider. As social workers we often take on something I refer to as secondary trauma. This is the stress we as caregivers take on while attempting to help traumatized individuals. Often times one does not even realize they are experiencing this secondary trauma as it slowly starts to trickle in to our lives in various ways. It may come on as sadness, fatigue, depression, weight gain or weight loss, relentless anxiety, or simply a feeling of negativity.
The best thing you can do for yourself is once you have identified these feelings, take action. That may be in the form of counseling, exercise, healthy socialization, prayer, or something as simple as a nightly ritual that makes you feel better. For instance a nice warm bath, while listening to your favorite music. Secondary trauma does not just happen to social workers. It impacts anyone who is caring for someone else. I have always said that even though you may have a passion to help others, you must always be in tune and aware of what you need in order to be a balanced and healthy giver.

Often for myself I like to take one day a month where I get a massage, which is not only relaxing but it also recharges my body. I love incorporating essential oils into the massage which adds an extra element of relaxation.
But day to day I do little things like: walking mediation, prayer, reciting things I am grateful for, and simply focusing on the good in my life versus anything negative. Make yourself a priority. You are worth it, and those around you will also feel the benefit of your invigorated spirit.
Tag: Wellness